7th to 18th December 2015 / Festilab Frankenstein média – Médiathèque Ceccano / Avignon -France

List of guest artists: Catherine Brand, Michaël Martin, Felipe Delgado Lopez, Marion Tamé, f.a.t. lab & sylab and Antonin Fourneau.
List of students participants: Anaïs Nisimov, Mathilde Buenerd, Manon Derain, Chloé Desmoineau, Paul Gaston, Laura Williams, Dyonisos Zamplaras, Louise Pignier, Julien Drochon and Hernan Zambrano.
Coordination: Clémentine Maillol
On the invitation of the Freesson collective and the PAMAL research group from the Avignon School of Art to take part in the Frankenstein Media exhibition.
Guillaume Stagnaro and Antonin Fourneau decided to organize a special Eniarof based on speculative design workshop to create further fictional board games. The students used the Eniarof card game as a starting point to brainstorm and imagine two games per team in five days: one game with no technology and one game that must include electronics. The results of this workshop were displayed in the Ceccano Media Library with some other Eniarof creations and special guest projects like the FUCK project. We installed a chronological display of the technologies and game principles that we had set up with Douglas Edric Stanley during the Eniarof#16 in Beijing for the first time.
here is the list of the creations with some specially made for this Eniarof :

- Dracolocation by Manon Derain, Chloé Desmoineau, Julien Drochon, Paul Gaston and Dyonisos Zamplaras, Count Dracula, ruined after bad investments, is forced to open his mansion to a roommate. It is a certain Dr. Frankenstein who answers the call. The cohabitation was going well until the arrival of electricity in Transylvania. Frankenstein decides to use this new technology to bring his creature to life. Without a break, day and night, there are noisy back and forths between the generator and the laboratory. But Dracula, having slept lightly for the last two centuries, does not hear of it!

- Labymalin by Anaïs Nisimov, Mathilde Buenerd, Laura Williams, Louise Pignier and Hernan Zambrano, each player sits on one side of the board. Using magnets, they must guide the ball together to the exit at the top of the labyrinth.

- Blackbox by Anaïs Nisimov, Mathilde Buenerd, Laura Williams, Louise Pignier and Hernan Zambrano, a kind of encounter between bondage and Pictionary.

- Gol it yourself by Manon Derain, Chloé Desmoineau, Julien Drochon, Paul Gaston and Dyonisis Zamplaras, a board game where the pieces are made of modeling clay. Get as many of your pieces out of the board as possible to build a resilient golem and win challenges!

- FUCK for Free Universal Construction Kit by Golan Levin and Shawn Sims, is a cool set of special bricks that help different construction toys work together. There are ten popular toys that can be used with these bricks, and it lets you build really awesome things by joining pieces from different sets. It’s like making new friends! The kit was made by people who wanted to help everyone play with their toys in new ways, even if the companies that made the toys didn’t want them to work together.

- Caligari by Catherine Brand and Michaël Martin, the game and its controller were designed and developed in the frame of the Retrocompatible Museum of Technology exhibition, which revisits some of the salient themes from the history of gaming.

- Endlessly by Marion Tamé and Felipe Delgado, is a retroactive arcade game. The player has a helmet as a joystick to steer the rocket and avoid the asteroids in order to keep his three lives.

- QrKanoid by Antonin Fourneau, a gamified browser to visit the artist’s work and his references via hyperlinks coded in the QRcode. Each level is a QRCode like in a Breakout game that refers to a work made by the artist. This piece is a way to access the archives of the artist like a treasure or a hidden area. A QRCode is decodable even when is missing 25% of the image so you have a limited time to access the content before breaking too much bricks. You have to manage in same time your curiosity and your desire to play.