21st May 2022 / FAN (Fabrique Artistique et Numérique) / Rosny-sous-Bois – France
List of guest artists : Chloé Desmoineaux, Manuel Braun, Antonin Fourneau, Thomas Molles, Olivier Cauet, Valentin Squirelo and Keyvane Alinaghi.
This is the second invitation from FAN to come and present Eniarof at their premises during the “FANtastic day”. This year’s theme is the senses, such as taste, touch, smell… The Eniarof team has responded to the theme by coming to present:

- Screamaton by Manuel Braun and Antonin Fourneau, a photo booth where you have to scream in a hole to obtain you selfie.

- Scylle 3000 by Chloé Desmoineaux, where you are in the game snake but you have to play the flute to control the direction of the snake.

- Domoludens By Manuel Braun and Antonin Fourneau, propose to play to a video game but without screen and with home appliance and light as feedback.

- Moustaiiike by Olivier Cauet, One player takes on the role of the mosquito and aims to touch the opponent, while the other player is blindfolded and must use a fly swatter to catch the mosquito.

- Usine à Stroll by Keyvane Alinaghi, as two moderators of a social networking website equipped with hand cranks, your task is to review the textual and audio descriptions of images interpreted by AI machines and determine whether they are suitable for online publication by pressing a “like” button.

- fart joust by Valentin Squirello, In a legendary Mexican standoff where two players face each other, your goal is to frantically press a button in the hopes of triggering a “fart” bomb on your opponent before they do it to you.

- Spongegame by Manuel Braun and Antonin Fourneau, how to play Tetris with sponges. Grab a sponge and high-five your colleagues to move the pieces in the Tetris game.
We also took advantage of the Fablab’s equipment to create a whole new range of goodies Eniarof :