September 2007 / Festival Emergences – Maison de La Villette / Paris – France
List of guest artists : Quentin Destieu (Dardex), Romain Senatore, Antonin Fourneau, Manuel Braun, Stefan Piat, Jankenpopp, Pierre Andrieux, Thomas Michalak, Djeff Regottaz and Loïc Horellou
Eniarof has been invited to Emergences #5 “SmartCity” festival and comes back to the Maison de La Villette for a festive program full of surprises.
On the Emergences program, two exceptional evenings of performances, installations and other eccentric shows, which turn into two electric all-nighters bringing together key figures of the European electro scene.
This edition was centered around new forms of artistic creation in the urban space: locative art, art in context, urban guerrilla art, interactive city, new architectures and urban landscapes, mobile art, urban game art, new urban cultures and other forms of artistic appropriation and criticism of the city. It is in this context that this new Eniarof took place!

- Cass-brick Techno, by Quentin Destieu and Romain Senatore, an Arcade station where you can play Tetris in listening hardcore Techno music.

- Hyperolympic by Djeff Regottaz and Loïc Horelliou, an old-school balance board used to play Track & Field by swaying on an unstable balance system.

- MadNes by Manuel Braun, Stefan Piat and Antonin Fourneau, a suspended arcade game that allowed players to move the console in their hands while playing Devious.

- Cuicuibox by Jankenpopp, Lord Kiitchi (Pierre Andrieux) and TM (Thomas Michalak), a 2x2x2m concert box that delivered an intense show that often ended in the destruction of the concert hall.