The Hydra Monster funfair


Video « Fake It » of Kill’Ka during the brainstorming

An attraction created during Eniarof #19 Moscow.

Kill’Ka is a massive arcade machine where the player is invited to insert their head into the device: a large black rectangular box where a monochrome landscape is drawn (either green, blue, or red). They hold a mechanical launcher of ping-pong balls and must aim at a moving target, a red light confirms success with each hit. When the player earns enough points, the level changes color and reveals a new landscape. 

Objective of the game: Defeat the dragon within the time limit.

Instructions: The player is invited to slide their head inside the device. They have in their hands a device that allows them to launch ping-pong balls.

Gameplay: The player must hit the dragon with their projectiles. However, the dragon is protected by creatures, so the player must aim accurately. When they hit their target enough, the level changes color, there are three levels of color: green, blue, and red.

Project completed as part of the Retrocompatible Museum Moscow, May 2016 – 10-day intensive workshop (partners: Labex Arts-H2H, EnsAD, EnsADLab, Paris 8 University, ATI/INRéV, French Institute of Russia, Polytech Museum, HSE Lab).